Preesh's life revolves mostly around her young son Saaransh who appears to be an orphan. An unfortunate injury brings the two to a crossroads when an unfortunate episode brings both in a fork in his or her lives. Can it be a new start or will they collapse into one another's arms again? This is where Yeh Hai Chahatein (The Boys Who Die) comes from. It's been directed by Ravi Sankheller.
Prem Chopra (Bollywood's favorite Indian stone star) has been cast as Preesh and his character is very impressive. There are several more stars who have been seen from the film who were also known for their roles in Bollywood movies. The star studded cast of Yeh Hai Chahatein also includes Ashok Kumar (The Best Kept Secret), Arjun Rampal (Khan Toh Panda), Ravi Kishan (Mani Shankar, Ranbir Kapoor) and Sajid Nadiem (Aaqushi, Jhoomi).
The principal story of Yeh Hai Chahatein revolves around a bunch of friends who find themselves in a really tough situation. They come across a young girl who claims to be a goddess in disguise. Soon Preesh and her family become the targets of this goddess. Soon Preesh finds out that she isn't so different from the goddess and her brother dies in front of her.
The first half of the movie is pretty much dedicated to the narrative of Yeh Hai Chahatein which is quite fascinating to see. The director was able to use this part to reveal the importance of family and friendship relationships in a better light Yeh Hai Chahatein Written Update. There are a few times where the celebrity and the director appear to enter a debate that can become rather heated but the movie takes good care to make it work as this is what the movie is about.
What makes this movie so unique is the role played by boy saaransh. He is quite a fascinating character because he is quite a misfit, but he appears to be able to find happiness despite his limitations. His dad is a musician and he's the first to move on stage and his father always says that if he does not like what's happening, he must leave.
The film itself is an effort at a western, which really does make up a fantastic deal of the charm of the movie Yeh Hai Chahatein. It is good to see Indian films being shown in English.
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